
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

The first major holiday we had away from home—Thanksgiving. Thankfully we still all had a very traditional turkey dinner at a restraint in Chiang Mai! It was still like a big family gathering, and the first time most of us dressed much at that point on the race!

Aside from Thanksgiving, Thailand was an INCREDIBLE month. It was a month that I was deeply in the word and learned a ton through prayer, the Bible, and conversations with several squadmates. It was also the first time on the race that my team had ATL (ask the Lord).

On the race, you hear all kinds of stories of people getting miraculously healed by Jesus, huge salvation stories, and everything else. So, naturally, I had some expectations.

Enter Jordan. During ATL, my teammate Caitlin and I ended up meeting an AMERICAN. She knew Jesus and was seeking community. Guys—I don’t know about you, but meeting an American during ATL in Chiang Mai, Thailand, wasn’t exactly what I was expecting.

HOWEVER—it was a total anointed friendship from the get-go. Jordan is an amazing soul, and she quickly made friends with our squad. We took her out for her birthday, and she ended up coming to Malaysia to spend Christmas with us!

Jordan is still good friends with several people from our squad. Is meeting her still blows my mind and she is one of my most precious friends the Lord has given me while abroad these past ten months.

Jordan, if you’re reading this, you’re amazing and I’m still mind-blown that God brought us BOTH to THAILAND just so we could meet each other. If that doesn’t show His intentionality, I don’t know what does. I love you a LOT and hope to reunite once we’re back in the States. You’re one of my favorite characters I’ve met in this chapter. Thanks for loving and praying for our squad once we parted ways.