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Thoughts & Inspiration

O Squad:

We spent ten days together (some a few days more). In those ten days, here are 11 things you taught me:

1) You’ll love and care for me no matter what.

2) You’re all bold, brave, sweet, and kind.

3) Prayer is powerful.

4) We’re all weird in our own ways, and that’s okay.

5) Being vulnerable is where healing starts.

6) We all come from different places and stages in life.

7) Age doesn’t matter. You can be a leader and be 20.

8) Eating bugs isn’t that bad (sorry, Jeorgi).

9) The men on our squad are sacrificial and love well.

10) I get to be a giant with y’all even though I’m 5′ tall and when that was spoken over our squad, it just really made my heart smile…and I might have chuckled a bit.


Jacob (yay for early morning pow-wows on the porch of the Lodge!), Amanda G. (so sweet), Amanda W. (thanks for allowing me to make last minute decisions), Ashes (so loving and kind), Ashley (love your tats so much!), Cody (you’re a beast), Ryan (YAY, GOD!), Steph (KS FRIEND), Savvy (choreography QWEEN), Jeorgi (THIS GIRL HAS AUTHORITY), Malysa (sweet soul of worship), Abby (sweet sweet spirit), Jenny (love your laugh so much!), Hannah L. (hospitality QWEEN), Hannah G. (fearless), Ris (pizza, PLZ), Caitlin (adventure buddy), Stacy (such a heart for people), Theo (gentle but bold in prayer), Macy (badass), Krista (befriends bugs and loves them so well), Morgan (also lets me make last minute decisions), Eva (born leader), Shiloh (music giftings all over this bro), Madison (your voice makes my soul so happy), Miggs (ENO KING), Paige (sleepovers are fun), Brynna (coffee e’ry day!), Adria (beautiful soul, inside and out), Lauren (full of faith), Cae (always smiling), Sharon (always willing to go with the flow), Syd (SYD, SYD, SYD! 17), Farrah (our fave Canadian!), Stella (STELLLLLLAAAAA!), Shawn (lionhearted)

Alex (dat tie dye headband, bro!), Marissa (selfless), Charlene (kind and giving), Mike [(wise and kind) LOOKING FORWARD TO COFFEE IN THAILAND, MAN], and our dear, sweet Amy (intentional, bold, brave): Thanks for being bold in the Lord and saying yes to leading this wild journey. You’re all already speaking so much life and truth into us and its such a gift.

My life is richer for having met you. We’ve shared bear hugs, looked each other in the eyes, had pow-wows on the front porch when we slept in hammocks and it downpoured at 4:30 a.m. It’s one thing to talk to people on the phone or in group text. Getting to look you all in the eyes and getting to speak/hear truth to one another has been the greatest gift.

We all have gifts we bring to this squad. Being a creative, it was mind-blowing to think that God made all of our stories the way He did up to this point, just to put us together for this season. HOW WILD IS THAT?! Dang. That’s a lot of creative juice.

Six weeks, guys. Be present where you are until we meet again. Pray and be expectant for what God is doing as He hears those prayers.

Mucho love to you all.



6 responses to “OHANA MEANS FAMILY”

  1. GIRL!! I’m getting emotional over this!! I love your heart so much! Thank you for being so selfless and loving. You sure do bring out the best in everyone. Much love. xoxo.

  2. I smiled a lot reading this, just knowing how happy you are at the moment brings me joy. I’ve been praying lots for you recently. Lots of love and prayers, miss you lots.

  3. Oh how my heart is full!!! Thank You Lord Jesus for being PERFECTLY RIGHT ON TIME??????????